We believe


That leaders drive culture and their actions set the pace


Where you can bring your authentic self, every day


Creating intentional career possibilities for team members is pivotal for personal and company success

Our Philosophy

At Cargoo, we believe in the power of technology and the positive impact it can bring, not only to the businesses but also to the individuals behind them.


Currently, importers and exporters are forced to invest a significant amount of their time and effort to make the necessary bookings for their container shipments, as they have to rely on outdated non-digitalize processes. With extensive paperwork, emails, telephone, and faxes, we view this approach as antiquated, inefficient, and no longer necessary.

Our philosophy is governed by the view that containerized ocean freight doesn’t need to be complicated. Our customers have complete control and the power to make their own decisions, choosing what’s best for their shipping and business needs by always having access to all available options and services.

Our Brand Values

We offer peace of mind

Our online platform is like no other. We’ve designed it in such a way to ensure all our clients’ and their customers’ needs are met so they have a seamless experience when making their orders, manage their bookings or handling their shipments and not have to deal with any third parties or widespread messaging.

We care

We provide top quality customer service because simply put, our clients mean everything to us. There are real people behind the Cargoo product and together, we’re committed to building lasting relationships with our clients and providing them with everything they need.

We lead the way

We take pride in being one of the most advanced and fastest-growing companies within the shipping world with a prestigious client list. We are passionate about transforming the industry and are committed to being an innovative and disruptive force.

Job Openings

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